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Online Registration Verification for 2022-2023 Is Now Open
April 19, 2022

Online Registration Verification for 2022-2023 Is Now Open

Online Registration Verification is now open for the 2022-2023 school year for returning students. To verify your information, follow these important steps: Step 1 –…

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Quinn’s Qloset Helps Ames Students
April 8, 2022

Quinn’s Qloset Helps Ames Students

When Ames Community School District parent, Cassie Bexten, saw a need in her community to provide clothing items for Ames’ littlest learners, she jumped into…

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Data Days: A Look at How Data is used at Elementary Schools
October 21, 2021

Data Days: A Look at How Data is used at Elementary Schools

Data days at our elementary schools allow teachers to investigate areas of instructional need using data and respond with reading interventions to close gaps. Grades K-1 use FAST benchmark data, and grades 2-5 use MAP data as it relates to school and individual students. The purpose of these structured meetings is to assess data, analyze grade-level trends, and identify students for additional instruction.

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PK-5 Students to Return to 100% Face-to-Face
December 29, 2020

PK-5 Students to Return to 100% Face-to-Face

PK-5 Students to Return to 100% Face-to-Face This morning, the school board voted for PK-5 students who desire a building-based delivery model to return to 100% face-to-face starting on January 4, 2021. Below, we have outlined what this means for our students in the various delivery models and buildings. 

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Masked Hero: Barb Malchow
November 3, 2020

Masked Hero: Barb Malchow

Superpower: Making connections and storytelling.  “Every student matters. Every student is a unique individual. Every student deserves the best I can give them in order to help them grow and realize their greatest potential.” This is how Barb Malchow approaches teaching every single day. With a sign in her room that reads “I am of great worth. I have unlimited potential. I can make good choices. I can do hard things. I am amazing inside and out,” Malchow challenges students to believe in themselves. 

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Elementary Chromebook Checkout
April 7, 2020

Elementary Chromebook Checkout

As a way to support continuous learning while at home and to assist in our voluntary learning plan for the Elementary students, we will be allowing parents/guardians to check-out Chromebooks from their Elementary school for students in all grade levels. We will have set times for pickup at each of the Elementary schools later this week.  Parents/Guardians are not required to pick up school computers if you already have a device at home that is meeting your learning needs.  Your children can still access their school’s activities through their SeeSaw (K-2nd grade) or Google Classroom (3rd-5th grade) using their school Google account.

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Mitchell Elementary Construction Update / Informational Meeting
March 5, 2020

Mitchell Elementary Construction Update / Informational Meeting

Mitchell Elementary School was one of three elementary schools in Ames (Edwards and Meeker being the other two) that was part of the April 2018 successful bond referendum for elementary school building additions. After reviewing current enrollment, near-term predictable enrollment, projected future enrollment, and housing development, it was determined the most urgent need for additional space is at Mitchell Elementary. In April 2019, the school board approved architectural services by Roseland Mackey Harris Architects (RMHA) for design and construction of addition(s) and renovation at Mitchell Elementary. The scope and goals of the project are to 1) add 6 classrooms to the building, 2) improve the HVAC system to control humidity in the building, and 3) address sound challenges in the music practice area. 

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Elementary Reading: FUNdations and Reading Units of Study
October 11, 2019

Elementary Reading: FUNdations and Reading Units of Study

After an extensive review process including feedback and input from staff, students, and community members, Ames CSD purchased the research-based Reading Units of Study for all EK-5th grade classrooms. Reading Units of Study utilizes a reading workshop model where students spend significant time reading books of their choice and writing about those books. Students also learn with teachers in one on one conferences as well as in small group instructional teams. Finally, collaborative and sharing opportunities are built into the reading workshop.  

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Mitchell Elementary Building Expansion
September 18, 2019

Mitchell Elementary Building Expansion

Mitchell Elementary School was one of three elementary schools in Ames (Edwards and Meeker being the other two) that was part of the April 2018 successful bond referendum for elementary school building additions. We reviewed current enrollment, near-term predictable enrollment, and projected future enrollment and determined the most urgent need for additional space is at Mitchell Elementary.

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Enrich, Empower, Excel Summer School
July 17, 2019

Enrich, Empower, Excel Summer School

Summer programming looked a little different this year but provided many of the great courses that families were accustomed to. Two programs within the district (ELP Super Summer and ALP summer school) and two community partners (YSS and United Way of Story County) joined together to create the Enrich, Empower, Excel summer program. Dr. Anthony Jones, Director of Equity and administrator in charge of the summer program said, “The reasons the programs joined together were to ensure all students have equal access to rich learning opportunities and to enhance the academic enrichment provided to all students.”

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