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Elementary Chromebook Checkout
April 7, 2020

Elementary Chromebook Checkout

As a way to support continuous learning while at home and to assist in our voluntary learning plan for the Elementary students, we will be allowing parents/guardians to check-out Chromebooks from their Elementary school for students in all grade levels. We will have set times for pickup at each of the Elementary schools later this week.  Parents/Guardians are not required to pick up school computers if you already have a device at home that is meeting your learning needs.  Your children can still access their school’s activities through their SeeSaw (K-2nd grade) or Google Classroom (3rd-5th grade) using their school Google account.

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Tanise Colvin named as new Sawyer Elementary Principal
March 23, 2020

Tanise Colvin named as new Sawyer Elementary Principal

The Ames Community School District is excited to announce Tanise Colvin as the new principal of Sawyer Elementary School. Colvin is currently an Assistant Principal at two middle schools in the Muscatine Community School District, a position she has held since 2017.  As an assistant principal in Muscatine, Colvin has experience in multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) and actively led a parent group to address the gaps in educational programming for students who receive special education services. She was responsible for the design and creation of a master schedule, coached teachers to improve instructional practices, and designed professional development for paraprofessionals that were specific to building needs. Colvin also has training in student-centered coaching, professional learning communities, English language proficiency modules, and Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS), an initiative that was rolled out last year in the Ames Community School District.  

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Elementary Reading: FUNdations and Reading Units of Study
October 11, 2019

Elementary Reading: FUNdations and Reading Units of Study

After an extensive review process including feedback and input from staff, students, and community members, Ames CSD purchased the research-based Reading Units of Study for all EK-5th grade classrooms. Reading Units of Study utilizes a reading workshop model where students spend significant time reading books of their choice and writing about those books. Students also learn with teachers in one on one conferences as well as in small group instructional teams. Finally, collaborative and sharing opportunities are built into the reading workshop.  

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Enrich, Empower, Excel Summer School
July 17, 2019

Enrich, Empower, Excel Summer School

Summer programming looked a little different this year but provided many of the great courses that families were accustomed to. Two programs within the district (ELP Super Summer and ALP summer school) and two community partners (YSS and United Way of Story County) joined together to create the Enrich, Empower, Excel summer program. Dr. Anthony Jones, Director of Equity and administrator in charge of the summer program said, “The reasons the programs joined together were to ensure all students have equal access to rich learning opportunities and to enhance the academic enrichment provided to all students.”

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Reading Portraits
November 1, 2018

Reading Portraits

Genya Coffey and her 1st grade colleagues at Sawyer Elementary are taking time to teach students how to read portraits. “Reading portraits is a great introduction to several important first grade skills such as making careful observations and drawing inferences based on evidence. Using visual literacy makes these skills accessible to every student regardless of their current reading level.” After comparing and contrasting dozens of portraits with partners and reflecting as a whole group, students constructed a working definition of portrait, then began considering where portraits can be found. Students discovered that they can be found just about anywhere. Next, students dug into identifying common elements that can be observed in portraits to help describe them.  

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Elementary School Arrival/Dismissal Times
August 10, 2018

Elementary School Arrival/Dismissal Times

Starting this school year, we are adjusting arrival and dismissal services at all of our elementary schools. Safety and security are of…

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Super Summer Program
July 31, 2018

Super Summer Program

The ACSD Super Summer Program is a two-week summer school for students who are entering 1st-8th grades, who want to take interest oriented classes to further their passion in those areas. This year, Super Summer offered 30 different courses not accessible in the regular school curriculum to give students an opportunity to study a subject in-depth. Extended Learning Program Director Nicole Kuhns, said, “The goal is really just to provide classes to stretch our students' minds during the summer break.” Super Summer has been around in some form for over 25 years. This year, over 250 students registered for classes that included a variety of topics. Kuhns said, “We saw many teachers proposing new classes and reinventing old classes. There was literally something for everyone from students interested in STEM, art, performance, sports, business, and crafting. Many teachers focused on bringing a cultural lens into their classes and helping students learn more about the way others live. Our students left excited each day about all they had learned, which is really all we could ask for!”

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Sawyer News Network
June 19, 2018

Sawyer News Network

In a few years, you may see Quin and Elijah, currently 4th graders at Sawyer Elementary School, behind the anchor desk reading the news. Until that time, they are comfortable as the content creators of Sawyer News Network, a weekly news segment created by the duo and shared across the building.   New episodes arrived each Friday for the past two months of school. Their teacher, Nicole Coronado, has allowed the students creative freedom on the weekly segment and the pair have made it their own. “Quin and Elijah are in charge of picking who they interview, what questions they ask, and when they video tape. They also write their own script and research the weather and events for the following week, so they can report those out to the school,” said Coronado.

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Ames Community Gives Free Bike Helmets to Every Third Grader
April 5, 2018

Ames Community Gives Free Bike Helmets to Every Third Grader

For the third year, members of the Healthiest Ames Board of Directors, in collaboration with other community partners, spent a morning at each Ames…

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Read-a-Thon Celebration
February 26, 2018

Read-a-Thon Celebration

In January, elementary schools across the District organized read-a-thon events in collaboration with their PTOs. “The goal is to get students to develop a passion…

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