Health Forms
New families to the District need to start by completing an online registration application if you have not done so already.
Health history forms are now available through the online registration verification process.
Iowa law requires that evidence of immunization be presented before any student will be enrolled in the Ames Community School District. Students new to the district need to provide a current Certificate of Immunization documenting these immunizations prior to the first day of school. This may be obtained through the student’s medical provider or the public health office.
All students entering 7th grade must have proof of having both the Meningococcal and the Tdap vaccines before school starts in August unless the student has a Certificate of Immunization Exemption. All students entering 12th grade must have proof of their second dose of the Meningococcal vaccine before school starts in August unless the student has a Certificate of Immunization Exemption. This should be turned in as soon as possible. Students who are not up to date on this vaccination (or exempt) will not be able to attend school in August until this requirement is met.
Dental Screening: Iowa law requires a record of a dental screening exam performed within the year prior to enrolling students in Kindergarten and 9th grade.
Blood Lead Level test: Iowa law requires a Blood Lead Level test for all kindergarten students. Please contact the student’s physician to verify the test has been done. The medical provider records the test in a statewide registry. No form is required for school.
Vision: The Iowa Department of Public Health requires a Vision Screening for students enrolling in Kindergarten and 3rd grade. This should be submitted by parent/ guardian prior to the start of the school year. The school nurse may conduct vision screenings upon request.
Hearing: The district will partner with AEA who will conduct hearing screenings for grades K-2 and 5th annually and upon request.
Medication shall be administered when the student’s parent or guardian provides a signed and dated Medication Permission for Administration at School form (located below) requesting medication administration and the medication is in the original, labeled container, either as dispensed by the pharmacy or in the manufacturer’s container. By law, students with asthma or other airway constricting diseases or students at risk of anaphylaxis who use epinephrine auto-injectors may self-administer their medication upon the written approval of the student’s parents and prescribing licensed health care professionals regardless of competency. View the entire Administration of Medication to Students Policy 507.2.