Discrimination/Bullying/Harassment Complaint Form
Anyone who believes an Ames CSD employee, volunteer, or student has been the victim of discrimination, bullying, harassment, sexual harassment or sexual misconduct may use this form to notify the District of their concerns. While anonymous reports are accepted and will be reviewed, the District’s ability to address and respond to anonymous reports is significantly limited.
Ames CSD strongly urges all students, parents, and third parties to promptly report concerns of discrimination, bullying, harassment, and Title IX violations, including sexual misconduct, discrimination, and harassment, to an appropriate building administrator. The complaint will be investigated confidentially and identifying information released only to the extent necessary for a fair, impartial, and thorough investigation, and as necessary for due process.
District employees are required to immediately report information they learn concerning potential Title IX violations to an appropriate building administrator. District employees are strongly urged to immediately report any potential discrimination, bullying or harassment violation.