About Us

Ames Community School District gives students a personalized learning experience from their first day of preschool until graduation. We’re a district that’s large enough to provide an internationally competitive education, with programming and activities enriched by community connections and infused with a variety of cultures, yet small enough for each student to find a niche.
With three rebuilt and two newly remodeled elementary schools, a state-of-the-art middle school and a high school rated as the 13th best public school in Iowa (U.S. News and World Reports), the Ames Community School District provides a learning environment for students to master the academic and social-emotional skills, strategies, and concepts that will prepare them for a lifetime.
Ames Schools guides students to be actively engaged in discovering their own knowledge through each stage of learning. By collaborating and sharing with their peers, our students experience learning that is authentic and challenging. They develop processes that allow them to problem-solve, reflect on and adjust their thinking, and use prior knowledge to construct new learning.
Strategic Planning Mission Statement
The mission of the Ames Community School District, which aspires to be Iowa’s premier school district, is to inspire and empower all students and staff to pursue and maximize their personal and educational potential, grounded in strong community and family partnerships and guided by high quality educators who commit to innovative instruction getting every student what they need to be successful.
What Makes Us Amazing
Our Academic Programs and Initiatives
- Our teaching and learning programs engage students in instruction that includes small groups and individual learning opportunities, using materials geared to their reading level and interests.
- Our lessons and assessments are based on Iowa Core and local standards to help teachers adjust strategies to help each student meet or exceed expectations.
- Our Iowa School Report Card scores are consistently well above state averages.
- Our teachers collaborate to share assessment data and teaching strategies. They continually improve their learning with support from a Teacher Leadership initiative that includes mentors, instructional coaches, and professional development.
- Our 4-year graduation rate is 90.21%; state average is 87.46%.
- Our music, art, and physical education instruction begins with preschool. All elementary schools offer orchestra beginning in fourth grade and band in fifth grade.
Our Schools
- We are the 21th largest district in Iowa. Located in the heart of Iowa, we are 37 miles north of the state capital city, Des Moines.
- We are comprised of one high school, one middle school, five elementary schools and one preschool. We have updated, state-of-the-art facilities, and the new Ames High School opened in August 2022.
- Elementary class size per building ranges from 22-23 students.
Our Students
- The class of 2024 contained 302 graduates.
- Our certified enrollment for 2023 is 4,608. Of that 8.9% are English language learners, 17.1% are special education, and 39.5% are free and reduced lunch.
- 17 National Merit Scholarship finalists in the past 2 years.
- 29 All-State musicians in 2021.
- The most athletics state championships of any school in Iowa.
Student Demographics
- 60% White
- 11% Black/African American
- 13% Hispanic/Latinx
- 8% Asian
- 8% Two or More Races
Our Faculty and Staff
- We employ over 700 staff including teachers, maintenance, administrative, and support positions.
- 49.68% of our teachers have an advanced degree.
Our Budget
- The District’s operating budget is $100 million.
- General Fund Budget is $64,272,405.
- Salaries = $38,343,031 million
- Benefits = $11,636,130 million
- Purchased Services = $8,974,500 million
- Supplies/Equipment = $3,021,984 million
- Other = $2,193,400 million