Math Acceleration
Opportunities for Students with Exceptional Mathematical Promise
While each and every student has mathematical promise, Ames CSD is committed to providing opportunities to continue growth and advancement for our students with exceptional mathematical promise. The objective of this multi-tiered system of support is for advanced learners to receive challenging instruction and ensure at least 1 year growth and skill development for every year spent in school.
Universal Enrichment
The majority of students will be served through appropriate small group differentiation in the regular classroom setting. Teachers will use assessment data to monitor and maintain ongoing cycles of learning. Enrichment may include going deeper in grade-level work such as higher order thinking and questioning, more open-ended and problem-based/ application assignments and choice, as well as varying degrees of independent study on new content for skills and concepts a student has already demonstrated proficiency in.
Supplemental/Pathways for Acceleration
Some students, perhaps 5 – 15% a change in pace or complexity of instruction might be appropriate. A priority of Ames CSD is that all students have access to the required Iowa Math Standards. Unless a student is able to demonstrate mastery, no courses or pathways will skip access to standards. Math placement is all about being in the right setting to grow a positive mathematical identity and finding the right amount of challenge to build a strong foundation of algebra readiness that leads to career and college readiness.
Ames CSD uses the following supplemental tier strategies:
- Compacting and Telescoping Curriculum – Telescoping is providing instruction in less time than typical, as defined by This is often partnered with compacting, which is the practice of fewer introductory activities and less repetition. Because in the Iowa Math Standards one cannot skip material, when content was spiraled back in grade after grade, the only way to move ahead is by addressing more content standards in a shorter time period. Compacted 6/7A Math and Compacted 7B/8 Math are two such courses, allowing students to complete three years of mathematics in two years.
- Doubling Up – While not technically a method of acceleration, a student who wishes to progress through the mathematics pathway at a faster pace may, at times, enroll in two math courses during the same semester or year. This option ensures integrity of the learning progressions built into the Iowa Math Standards yet allows opportunities for all students to access advanced mathematics coursework before graduating from high school.
- Honors Courses – Some classes in our math pathway have an enriched version to allow for more complex instruction and opportunities for higher order thinking and application. Advanced Algebra 2 is such an example.
To view the different options for each grade level, please see the registration handbook.
Course Placement Criteria and Communication
Placement criteria are designed to predict whether a student will ultimately be successful in an accelerated course. Enrollment is an opt-in process, meaning Ames CSD will notify families and students who have met the following criteria and are strong candidates for a certain course. It is ultimately the decision of the family and student to select the right course to meet their needs.
Meet one of the following to be identified for secondary math acceleration:
- Two MAP scores of 95th percentile or higher during previous year
- Two ISASP scores of 95th percentile or higher during previous years
- Two scores of 95th percentile or higher in a combination of previous year ISASP & previous year MAP
In the 25/26 academic year, increase threshold to meeting two criteria and include:
- 95th percentile or higher on CogAT
- Passing a locally designed assessment that encompasses conceptual understanding and application of previous year math standards which will be administered to all students during their previous year (administered in the summer for current and new families to the district)
For a student who has inconsistent assessment scores or might be close to meeting the criteria, additional observation-based data will be collected from the teacher to aid in recommendations for student placement recommendations. Acceleration research continues to show that universal screening data is a more reliable way of finding all students who show exceptional mathematical promise than relying solely on teacher nominations.
Intensive/Additional Acceleration Supports
Students who need the most intense acceleration intervention are those who have shown a need beyond differentiation or curriculum compacting. A small percentage, perhaps 1-5%, of students require the most radical acceleration, including options such as grade/ course skipping or post-secondary enrollment options (PSEO). They require a curriculum that differs significantly in pace, level, complexity from same-age peers.
Ames CSD uses the following intensive tier strategies:
- Personalized Education Plan (PEP) – Students and families may work through the ELP process to design their personalized plan. A student would need to be identified for Talented and Gifted (TAG) services in order for a teacher to do this.
- Acceleration by Exam – Students that wish to skip a math course between 6th and 12th grade in order to take the next math course in their intended path need to show proficiency in the skills and concepts of the course they are trying to skip by taking the Proficiency Assessment (a cumulative final exam, for example) for that course. The exam will occur during the teacher workdays at the beginning of the year and semester test times at the end of 1st semester. Please reach out to your building ELP teacher for additional information regarding the process.
In addition showing proficiency in that course, the student must also meet 2 of the 3 following criteria:
- Pass your previous math course with a score of 90% or above
- Instructor recommendation
- A MAP or ISASP math score of 95th percentile or higher
Interested parties should complete an opt-in form. To access the form or if you have questions, please reach out to your building principal.
Reconsideration Process/Appeals
If a student is not able to meet the criteria identified above for a course they wish to enroll in, students or parents may request an appeal. Ames CSD recognizes that students with exceptional mathematical promise may be identified in ways beyond a standardized assessment, which could include demonstrating patterns of focused interest, eagerness to try more difficult problems or extensions and solve problems in a different way, are particularly good at explaining complex concepts to others, demonstrating in other ways that they understand mathematical material deeply; and/ or are strongly interested in the material.
Interested parties should complete the form below which will notify the ELP Lead a request has been submitted. Students and parents/ guardians may provide relevant evidence, including, but not limited to, the following:
- Relevant grade history
- Portfolio of work
- Enrichment or supplemental coursework
- Standardized test scores
- Extracurricular experiences such as math clubs, circles, and competitions
- Instructor Recommendation
Reconsideration/Appeal Form
This form is currently closed and will open again in the Spring. If you have questions please contact your building principal.
Spanish: Math Acceleration Options – Spring 2024
Arabic: Math Acceleration Options – Spring 2024
Chinese: Math Acceleration Options – Spring 2024
Ukrainian: Math Acceleration Options – Spring 2024
Russian: Math Acceleration Options – Spring 2024