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Ames High Girls Swimming Win Their Ninth State Title
November 16, 2020

Ames High Girls Swimming Win Their Ninth State Title

The Ames High girls swim team approached the state championship this year with the passing of their long-time coach, Dan Flannery, on their mind. Flannery passed away in July 2020, just before the season kicked off. A legendary figure in the swimming community, he led the girls' program to 8 state titles and the boys to one in 2018. The loss of Flannery continues to weigh heavily not only on the school community, but the Ames community at large. 

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Harrison Barnes Signing Day: An Oral History
November 13, 2020

Harrison Barnes Signing Day: An Oral History

During his senior year, Harrison Barnes was the #1 high school basketball recruit in the nation. On November 13, 2009, he announced where he would play his collegiate ball live from Ames High, broadcast on ESPNU for the nation to watch. The schools under consideration included North Carolina, Duke, Kansas, and Iowa State University. This is an oral history of that day from Ames High Athletic Director Judge Johnston and Ames High Head Basketball Coach Vance Downs. 

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Ames High to Move to 100% Online Remote Learning Starting Monday, November 16
November 12, 2020

Ames High to Move to 100% Online Remote Learning Starting Monday, November 16

Today, we will submit our application for approval to the Iowa Department of Education (DE) to move Ames High School to 100% online remote learning starting Monday, November 16. 

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Masked Hero: Charles Grim
November 12, 2020

Masked Hero: Charles Grim

Superpower: Making students smile through their masks.  “I am much happier trying to make sure the kids are happier,” said Charles Grim when asked what he has learned about himself during this pandemic. It is this approach to teaching that has allowed Grim to teach elementary music for 32 years, 22 of which have been in the Ames district. 

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All PK-8 Schools to Move to 100% Online
November 10, 2020

All PK-8 Schools to Move to 100% Online

As we continue to monitor our District on a daily basis, we have expanded our application for approval from the Iowa Department of Education (DE) to move to 100% online remote learning for all school buildings PK-8. This includes all elementary schools, Northwood Preschool, and Ames Middle School. 

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Edwards, Meeker, and Sawyer Elementary to Move to 100% Online Starting Wednesday, November 11
November 9, 2020

Edwards, Meeker, and Sawyer Elementary to Move to 100% Online Starting Wednesday, November 11

The contents of this message immediately impact families at our elementary schools, but we are sharing with all parents in the District.  As a District, we will be applying for approval from the Iowa Department of Education (DE) to move to 100% online remote learning for Edwards, Meeker, and Sawyer Elementary Schools. Pending approval from the DE and our school board, we would move to remote learning for these three schools on Wednesday, November 11. This online remote learning will continue in two-week intervals, which is the maximum that the DE approves at one time. 

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Ames Middle School a Top 10 Fundraising American Heart Challenge School
November 9, 2020

Ames Middle School a Top 10 Fundraising American Heart Challenge School

Last spring, the Ames Middle School participated in the American Heart Challenge. This annual fundraising event begins in February, American Heart Month. The Challenge focuses on preparing middle school and high school students for success by strengthening their physical and emotional well-being, while fostering their social responsibility. After a kick-off event, students collect donations for the American Heart Association (AHA), which includes an online program that allows participants to quickly and easily reach out to those interested in donating. According to the AHA, money raised funds life-saving research and community programs in the fight against heart disease. 

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Masked Hero: Barb Malchow
November 3, 2020

Masked Hero: Barb Malchow

Superpower: Making connections and storytelling.  “Every student matters. Every student is a unique individual. Every student deserves the best I can give them in order to help them grow and realize their greatest potential.” This is how Barb Malchow approaches teaching every single day. With a sign in her room that reads “I am of great worth. I have unlimited potential. I can make good choices. I can do hard things. I am amazing inside and out,” Malchow challenges students to believe in themselves. 

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Ames High Senior Eddie Wei Elected to the Key Club International Board
October 30, 2020

Ames High Senior Eddie Wei Elected to the Key Club International Board

Ames High Senior Eddie Wei was recently elected to the Key Club International Board during a July special meeting held in lieu of the 2020 Key Club International Convention. This year’s convention, planned for San Francisco, was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a trustee, Wei will represent the Nebraska-Iowa Key Club District. 

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Masked Hero: Mark Royer
October 29, 2020

Masked Hero: Mark Royer

Superpower: The ability to see the world with childlike wonder. The ability to see the world with childlike wonder is a superpower that transcends time and allows Mark Royer to connect with students on a unique level. “I'm just a big kid disguised as an adult.” Royer has been with the Ames district since 2001 and as a full-time Extended Learning Program (ELP) elementary teacher since 2013. 

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