ISPRA Communication Awards 2021
The Iowa School Public Relations Association (ISPRA) held its annual communication awards ceremony on Friday, April 23 in conjunction with their virtual spring conference. The Ames Community School District submitted materials in 13 of the 22 competition categories that included Branding, Excellence in Writing, Infographic, Magazine, Photography, Podcasting, Public Engagement, Social Media, two Special Purpose projects, and two Video categories.
Read moreStatement on the guilty verdict of the murder of George Floyd
Today, a jury found a former Minneapolis police officer guilty on all three counts of murder. We know that this verdict does not erase the traumatic event we all witnessed on May 25th. It also does not bring back George Floyd and for that our hearts go out to the Floyd family who will not get to hug their son, brother, or father. However, we hope that today’s verdict can be a step forward in bringing meaningful change for those who have experienced institutional racism, systemic violence, and racial trauma in our country.
Read moreAmes High Construction Update – March 2021
Photo taken on February 3, 2021 At the end of December, 54% of the construction period had elapsed. Although three winter storms created…
Read moreA Decorated Musician: Ames High Senior Seth Durbin
At a time when most high school seniors are planning for graduation and what lies ahead, Seth Durbin leaves 2021 not only as an Ames High School graduate, but also as a decorated pianist. Playing piano for 10 years, the Ames High senior has received multiple awards in just the past two months.
Read morePanorama School Climate Survey Results 2021
In March of 2021, the Ames Community School District surveyed students, staff, and families using the Panorama Culture and Climate Survey. The survey included questions around social and emotional learning, school satisfaction, and staff and family engagement, among others. This was the third consecutive year that the District has utilized this survey.
Read moreYWCA Women of Achievement
Each March, the YWCA Ames-ISU announces women in the Story County and Iowa State University communities who are honored with the Women of Achievement Award. The Ames Community School District celebrates two of this year’s recipients. Nicole Coronado, Associate Principal at the Ames Middle School, and Genya Coffey, 7th-grade literacy teacher at Ames Middle School were among the eight honorees. The award recognizes women who are living out the Y's mission of eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.
Read more2021-2022 Academic Calendar Approved
The 2021-2022 school year calendar was approved by the Ames school board on Monday, March 22, 2021. In many ways, the 2021-2022 calendar will be a return to normal after numerous adjustments were made to the 20-21 academic dates due to the pandemic. These include the return to parent/teacher conferences, professional development works days, as well as weather-related delays and closures.
Read moreMany Shades of Colour Young Women’s Conference
From March 1-5, several Ames Middle School (AMS) students attended the virtual Many Shades of Colour Young Women’s Conference, a program organized under Hip-Hope Inc. The conference is designed to bring young women between 6th through 12th grade, along with mentors and community leaders, together to help celebrate and empower our young women.
Read moreThe Martin Family: Early African-American History in Ames
When Ames was established in 1864, many of its settlers arrived from the New England area, and according to famed Ames historian Farwell T. Brown, they were “abolitionists in sentiment.” However, very few individuals had personal contact with black individuals. Brown said, “there seems to be no record of any African-American families in Ames until well after 1900.”
Read moreAmes High Team Places Second in National High School Ethics Bowl Competition
In February, two Ames High teams competed virtually in the 2021 National High School Ethics Bowl (NHSEB). Under the direction of advisor Chad Zmolek, both teams performed well, with one reaching the championship round and finishing second.
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