2021-2022 Academic Calendar Approved
The 2021-2022 school year calendar was approved by the Ames school board on Monday, March 22, 2021. In many ways, the 2021-2022 calendar will be a return to normal after numerous adjustments were made to the 20-21 academic dates due to the pandemic. These include the return to parent/teacher conferences, professional development works days, as well as weather-related delays and closures.
Start date
School will officially begin on Wednesday, August 25, 2021, for most grades across the District. This includes 1st – 5th grade, as well as 6th and 9th graders and all other middle and high school students who are new to the District. Here is a breakdown of the staggered start dates across the district:
- August 25 – 1st-5th grades. Orientation for 6th grade and 9th grade, and all AMS and AHS students new to the district.
- August 26 – 7th, 8th, and 10th-12th grade
- August 27 – Kindergarten and Early Kindergarten
- September 7 – Preschool
At the secondary level, the August 25 start date provides an orientation opportunity for 6th and 9th graders, as well as all other 6th-12th graders who are new to the District. This allows students time to meet teachers and get acquainted with a new building and expectations.
Other Dates to Highlight:
- November 24 – 26 – Thanksgiving Break
- December 23 – 31 – Winter Break (classes resume January 3)
- January 17 – Dr. Martin Luther King Day (no classes)
- March 14 – 18 – Spring break
- May 29 – Ames High Commencement
- June 1 – Last day of classes
Parent/Teacher Conferences
These conference opportunities will return for the 2021-2022 school year and will be a mix of early out and evening conferences. Below are the dates for the fall and spring conferences at the various building levels:
- Early Conferences – August 30 to September 3 (K-12)
- Fall – October 25, 27, and 29 – Ames Middle School
- Fall – October 26, 28, and 29 – Ames High School
- Fall – November 19, and 22-23 – Elementary
- Spring – March 7-8 and 10 – Elementary
- Spring – March 8-9 and 10 – Ames Middle School
- Spring – March 29, 31, and April 1 – Ames High School
Professional Development / Teacher Work Days
Elementary schools across the District will move back to Wednesday early out professional development for staff. At the secondary level, Ames Middle School and Ames High School will again utilize full days for professional development opportunities.
Weather-Related Days
Next winter will be a return to normal winter procedures. Although there is a state bill that would allow for five snow days to be remote next year, we do not anticipate utilizing remote learning on winter snow days at this point. We will return to calling winter-related late starts if needed, and in the event of a closure, we will not have school.
Below is the District at-a-glance calendar in PDF form which can be downloaded and printed.
2021-2022 Calendar At-A-Glance