PBIS at Edwards Elementary
When students are learning how to read, add, or how to spell, we teach them. That same principle must apply to how students behave throughout the day at school. Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a “philosophy intended to guide the behavioral support and social culture needed for all students in a school to achieve social, emotional, and academic success.” It is a school-wide framework that focuses on the positive things that students are doing. This is an examination of what that looks like at Edwards Elementary School. School discipline has traditionally responded to specific student misbehavior by implementing punishment-based strategies that may include reprimands, loss of privileges, and office referrals. This approach, especially when applied inconsistently and without other positive strategies, is proven to be ineffective. With PBIS, consequences will still occur, but are not the focus; teaching expected behavior and rewarding those behaviors consistently is the focus. PBIS looks to establish a climate in which safe and appropriate behavior is the norm.
Read moreLC2: Little Cyclone Limited Collection
When we launched the online apparel store in September, two of our goals was to be able to provide a convenient outlet to purchase Little Cyclone apparel and to build excitement around the school district’s brand. LC2: Little Cyclones Limited Collection is the next step of that commitment. LC2 is a limited edition collection that will offer a new design twice a year; once in the fall and once in the spring. Each design will be unlike anything else available on the store and will be a fresh and unique design.
Read moreAll-State Music 2019
Congratulations to the 28 Ames High musicians who were selected to participate in the 2019 Iowa All-State Music Festival. District Auditions for the 279-piece all-state band, 227-piece all-state orchestra, and 601-member all-state chorus were held on Saturday, October 26, 2019. Approximately 17% of the students who audition are selected for membership in the All-State ensembles. The 2019 Festival will celebrate the 73rd anniversary of this prestigious event and will take place on Saturday, November 23 at 7:30 p.m. at Hilton Coliseum.
Read moreTwo Ames High Teachers Earn Recognition from the Iowa Business Education Association
Two Ames High Teachers earned recognition from the Iowa Business Education Association (IBEA) this year at their annual conference. Ames High Business Teacher Vicki Hales was named the 2019 Outstanding Secondary Business Educator and Teacher on Special Assignment Vonda Junck awarded this year’s Distinguished Service to Business Award.
Read moreChad Zmolek named NFHS Iowa Boys Soccer Coach of the Year
Long-time Ames High boys soccer coach was named the National Federation of High School (NFHS) Coaches Association’s Iowa Boys Soccer Coach of the Year. This recognition honors coaches for significant achievement in their sport throughout their careers. Nominees for boys’ sports in Iowa are selected by each sport’s respective state coaches association and is approved by the Iowa High School Athletic Association.
Read moreEquity Lens: a Conversation with Dr. Anthony Jones
What is equity and what does it look like in the Ames Community School District? Equity in its simplest definition is making sure that every student has what they need when they need it. You know that equity has happened when every student is successful in our school system regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, identity, ability, socioeconomic, language, or place of origin. Equity is about justice and fairness. What does equity look like in Ames school district right now? Well, we’re not there yet. I describe equity in Ames schools like our new high school. We’ve all agreed that we need it and we are building it. There’s a huge hole at the location where the new high school will be soon and the foundation is being built first. That is what is happening with equity. Yes, there is a hole there but we are building the foundation for equity in Ames. It’s not going to happen overnight but it is coming!
Read moreAmes High Science Teacher Mike Todd receives the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST)
Four Iowa educators including Ames High science teacher Mike Todd, have been named recipients of the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST). Teachers are selected based on their distinction in the classroom and dedication to improving science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. Todd was a state finalists in 2017.
Read moreElementary Reading: FUNdations and Reading Units of Study
After an extensive review process including feedback and input from staff, students, and community members, Ames CSD purchased the research-based Reading Units of Study for all EK-5th grade classrooms. Reading Units of Study utilizes a reading workshop model where students spend significant time reading books of their choice and writing about those books. Students also learn with teachers in one on one conferences as well as in small group instructional teams. Finally, collaborative and sharing opportunities are built into the reading workshop.
Read moreAuto Repair: from DMACC to the Garage
For much of last summer, senior Matthew Blitvich’s rust damaged Mazda Miata took up the majority of his parents’ garage. With the clear coat starting to peel and fade, Blitvich was committed to fixing it up on his own. During his junior year, he enrolled in Auto Collison, a class offered to Ames High students through the Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC). His motivation was simple: “If I did a good job at DMACC, then I could just paint it myself.”
Read moreAmes High Selected to Participate in teen Mental Health First Aid Pilot Program
Ames High will participate in the teen Mental Health First Aid pilot program run by the National Council for Behavioral Health with support from Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation. Ames High is participating in the expanded teen Mental Health First Aid (tMHFA) pilot program, the first of its kind developed for high school students in the U.S. The school is one of 40 sites selected to take part in the second cohort of the pilot program. This fall, two individuals will attend training that will then be implemented starting next spring.
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