Attendance, Absenteeism, and Truancy
At the Ames Community School District, we believe that every student’s journey to success begins with consistent attendance. The State of Iowa and the Ames CSD have updated their attendance and truancy policies. Under Iowa Senate File 2435, chronic absenteeism is defined as missing more than 10% of the days or hours in a given grading period.
The district believes that school attendance leads to the greatest learning opportunities for students. Students who are present in school and engaged are active learners who take greater ownership over their educational outcomes. For this reason, it is the priority of the district to foster regular student attendance throughout the school year and reduce barriers to regular attendance for students in the district.
What To Expect
When Students Miss 10% of Days in a Trimester/Semester
- Building student attends will send notice by email to the Story County Attorney’s Office.
- Building student attends will notify the student, or if a minor, the student’s parent or guardian via certified mail that includes an attendance report detailing absences from school and the policies and disciplinary processes associated with additional absences.
- Iowa law requires missed days due to trips and vacations to count toward calculations of chronic absenteeism and truancy.
When Students Miss 15% of Days in a Trimester/Semester
- The school will initiate a school engagement meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to identify attendance barriers and determine a plan to make improvements.
- During this meeting, participants will create and sign an absenteeism prevention plan detailing the causes of absences and each participant’s responsibilities. The school will monitor compliance with the plan, contacting participants weekly.
- If the student and the student’s parent/guardian do not attend the meeting, do not enter into a plan or violate the terms of the plan, the school official will notify the county attorney.
- The district will send a copy of the “Absenteeism Prevention Plan” via ParentSquare. This will be a working document to address expectations moving forward.
- This includes all absences – excused and unexcused.
When Students Miss 20% of Days in a Trimester/Semester
- Truancy means a child of compulsory attendance age who is absent from school for any reason for at least 20% of the hours in the trimester/semester.
- If the student and the student’s parent/guardian violate the terms of the “Absenteeism Prevention Plan”, the school official will notify the county attorney.
- This includes all absences – excused and unexcused.
- The county attorney retains prosecutorial discretion in determining whether or not an action will be pursued in Truancy Court.
When Students Miss 10% of Days in a Trimester/Semester
- Building student attends will send notice by email to the Story County Attorney’s Office.
- Building student attends will notify the student, or if a minor, the student’s parent or guardian via certified mail that includes an attendance report detailing absences from school and the policies and disciplinary processes associated with additional absences.
- Iowa law requires missed days due to trips and vacations to count toward calculations of chronic absenteeism and truancy.
When Students Miss 15% of Days in a Trimester/Semester
- The school will initiate a school engagement meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to identify attendance barriers and determine a plan to make improvements.
- During this meeting, participants will create and sign an absenteeism prevention plan detailing the causes of absences and each participant’s responsibilities. The school will monitor compliance with the plan, contacting participants weekly.
- If the student and the student’s parent/guardian do not attend the meeting, do not enter into a plan or violate the terms of the plan, the school official will notify the county attorney.
- The district will send a copy of the “Absenteeism Prevention Plan” via ParentSquare. This will be a working document to address expectations moving forward.
- This includes all absences – excused and unexcused.
When Students Miss 20% of Days in a Trimester/Semester
- Truancy means a child of compulsory attendance age who is absent from school for any reason for at least 20% of the hours in the trimester/semester.
- If the student and the student’s parent/guardian violate the terms of the “Absenteeism Prevention Plan”, the school official will notify the county attorney.
- This includes all absences – excused and unexcused.
- The county attorney retains prosecutorial discretion in determining whether or not an action will be pursued in Truancy Court.
Please inform your school of all absences and provide necessary documentation at the start of the school day. When a nurse sends a student home for health-related reasons, the absence is medically excused.
Students participating in school-sponsored activities and athletics, field trips, and work-based learning experiences through an assigned course will be considered present.
Family trips and vacations are not considered excused absences per Iowa Code.
Disciplinary Action
Students who are absent without a reasonable excuse, as determined by the principal, will be assigned consequences that may include parent notification, loss of privilege, detention, absenteeism prevention plans, and suspension. Reasonable excuses include illness, family emergencies, recognized religious observances, and school-sponsored or approved activities. Reasonable excuses may also include family trips or vacations approved by the building principal if the student’s work is finished prior to the trip or vacation.
Students will be allowed to make up all work missed due to any absence and will receive full credit for make-up work handed in on time. Teachers will not have attendance or grading practices that are in conflict with this provision.
The administration and guidance staff will make reasonable efforts to advise and counsel and may impose discipline upon any student having unexcused absences. Such advice, discipline and counseling is in addition to the requirements listed in Section I of these rules and includes, but is not limited to, problem solving and conflict resolution if appropriate, oral or written notices to the student and his or her parents, conferences with the student and parents, written contracts, or loss of non-academic privileges such as extracurricular activities, open campus, late arrival, early dismissal, or other privileges as deemed appropriate by the principal.
Activity Absences
A student who misses class due to participation in a sanctioned school activity will not be considered absent. However, it is the responsibility of the student to inform his/her teachers of the absence and arrange for any make-up work.
IMPORTANT: Please note that something can be excused by the school — meaning no discipline would occur — but would still be added to the absence total according to Iowa Code.
The Ames CSD elementary grades (K-5) work on a trimester system and secondary grades (6-12) work on a semester system. For the 2024-2025 school year, trimesters are:
- Trimester 1: August 23, 2024 – November 14, 2024
- Trimester 2: November 18, 2024 – March 6, 2025
- Trimester 3: March 10, 2025 – May 30, 2025
Semesters for the 2024-2025 school year are:
- Semester 1: August 23, 2024-January 9, 2025
- Semester 2: January 14, 2025-May 30, 2024
Board Policies
Policy 501.3 Compulsory Attendance
Policy 501.9 Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is the district implementing this?
Senate File 2435 is a law and as such, the District is required to comply. In follow up to the passing of code, the Iowa Department of Education provided guidance to school districts in Iowa in August. We wrote our policies to be in compliance with these expectations.
We realize absences can sometimes be out of our control. That being said, there are legal requirements that we must follow. Extended sickness, hospital stays and loss of loved ones – can all impact our school attendance. If any of these scenarios arise, please work with the administration at the building your student attends.
What if my student is sick for consecutive days?
We will allow two incidents of health-related excused absences in a term (i.e., flu, fever). More than two incidents in any term may require documentation throughout the remainder of the term in order to be excused.
How do I report an absence?
Parents/guardians are expected to notify the school office to report a student’s absence prior to the start of the school day. Parents can notify the school office in one of the following three ways:
- Call the Building Office
- Report the absence using Infinite Campus
- Log in to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account
- Click “More” from the left navigation menu
- Select “Absence Request”.
- Complete the form and submit.
ParentSquare should not be used to report absences.
What about field trips and other school-sponsored activities or work-based learning experiences?
Students participating in school-sponsored activities and athletics, field trips and work-based learning experiences through an assigned course will be considered present. These will not count against any of the thresholds mentioned above.
What about family trips or vacations?
Families are encouraged to schedule vacations and trips when school is not in session. Family trips and vacations are not considered excused absences per Iowa Code. We recognize that these do occur, however, so please communicate proactively to allow us to work with your student to complete school work. These absences will count towards a student being considered chronically absent or truant.
What ages fall under this policy?
Children who are at least six years old and under age sixteen by September 15 are of compulsory attendance age. Compulsory attendance age also includes:
- Students who are 4 years old and are enrolled in preschool.
- Students who are 5 years old and are enrolled in kindergarten.
The provisions of the law apply to this group in terms of communication with the County Attorney, design of plans, etc. However, the District is required to report the attendance to the state for all students enrolled regardless of age.
What is the difference between an excused absence and an exempt absence?
An excused absence means the school has determined the absence reason is legitimate and will not impose any school-based disciplinary action. An exempt absence means the absence is exempted from the Iowa Code and will not be counted toward the chronic absenteeism law.
Please note – an absence can be excused by the school but not exempt by the state and will still count toward the student’s 10% in a term in accordance with Iowa Code.
My student is doing college visits. Are those excused?
Per Iowa Code and Iowa Department of Education guidance, students on college visits will be counted as “present.”
Are family funerals an excused absence?
Funerals are exempt per SF 2435 and may include holiday services, weddings, funerals and other celebrations of life, and other rite of passage religious services.
My family is leaving the country for a couple weeks. How do we proceed?
If a family is leaving the country, they would need to be unenrolled during the time period for which they are gone. Once the family returns, the enrollment can be resumed but do know it may not be at the same school nor with the same teacher. Please speak with your building principal if this situation applies to your family.
We are not going overseas, but will be on a trip for more than 2 weeks. How is that handled?
Any absence from school for longer than 2 weeks that is not a long-term medical absence would be unenrolled during the time period for which the student is gone. Again, once the family returns, the enrollment can be resumed but do know it may not be at the same school nor with the same teacher. Please speak with your building principal if this situation applies to your family.
Will keeping my student home due to a religious holiday be considered as exempt?
Students who are absent from school for religious service, holiday, or instruction will be considered absent, but will be considered excused and exempt from chronic absenteeism laws.
My student has a planned surgery. Will that count against their attendance record?
With a doctor’s note, this would be considered a medically exempt absence. A medically exempt absence will still be recorded as an absence but will be excused and exempt from chronic absenteeism laws.
My student has recurring appointments (i.e., physical therapy, counseling, specialist). Does each appointment require a doctor’s note, or can I bring in one note for the year?
It may be possible for recurring doctor appointments to be outlined with one note. Please speak with a building administrator regarding your specific situation.
Where can I see my student’s attendance record?
You can see your student’s attendance record by logging into your Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Your student’s absences are located under Attendance. At the bottom of this page is a list of absence codes and what they mean.
How is the percentage total calculated? Is it based on the total number of days in a term or the days in the term thus far?
The percentage is calculated based on the total number of days in a term and is not rolling. As an example, to reach 10% in a term:
- PK & Elementary (grades K-5) = 5 days missed in a term
- Secondary (grades 6-12) = 8 days missed in a term
Why is the district implementing this?
Senate File 2435 is a law and as such, the District is required to comply. In follow up to the passing of code, the Iowa Department of Education provided guidance to school districts in Iowa in August. We wrote our policies to be in compliance with these expectations.
We realize absences can sometimes be out of our control. That being said, there are legal requirements that we must follow. Extended sickness, hospital stays and loss of loved ones – can all impact our school attendance. If any of these scenarios arise, please work with the administration at the building your student attends.
What if my student is sick for consecutive days?
We will allow two incidents of health-related excused absences in a term (i.e., flu, fever). More than two incidents in any term may require documentation throughout the remainder of the term in order to be excused.
How do I report an absence?
Parents/guardians are expected to notify the school office to report a student’s absence prior to the start of the school day. Parents can notify the school office in one of the following three ways:
- Call the Building Office
- Report the absence using Infinite Campus
- Log in to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account
- Click “More” from the left navigation menu
- Select “Absence Request”.
- Complete the form and submit.
ParentSquare should not be used to report absences.
What about field trips and other school-sponsored activities or work-based learning experiences?
Students participating in school-sponsored activities and athletics, field trips and work-based learning experiences through an assigned course will be considered present. These will not count against any of the thresholds mentioned above.
What about family trips or vacations?
Families are encouraged to schedule vacations and trips when school is not in session. Family trips and vacations are not considered excused absences per Iowa Code. We recognize that these do occur, however, so please communicate proactively to allow us to work with your student to complete school work. These absences will count towards a student being considered chronically absent or truant.
What ages fall under this policy?
Children who are at least six years old and under age sixteen by September 15 are of compulsory attendance age. Compulsory attendance age also includes:
- Students who are 4 years old and are enrolled in preschool.
- Students who are 5 years old and are enrolled in kindergarten.
The provisions of the law apply to this group in terms of communication with the County Attorney, design of plans, etc. However, the District is required to report the attendance to the state for all students enrolled regardless of age.
What is the difference between an excused absence and an exempt absence?
An excused absence means the school has determined the absence reason is legitimate and will not impose any school-based disciplinary action. An exempt absence means the absence is exempted from the Iowa Code and will not be counted toward the chronic absenteeism law.
Please note – an absence can be excused by the school but not exempt by the state and will still count toward the student’s 10% in a term in accordance with Iowa Code.
My student is doing college visits. Are those excused?
Per Iowa Code and Iowa Department of Education guidance, students on college visits will be counted as “present.”
Are family funerals an excused absence?
Funerals are exempt per SF 2435 and may include holiday services, weddings, funerals and other celebrations of life, and other rite of passage religious services.
My family is leaving the country for a couple weeks. How do we proceed?
If a family is leaving the country, they would need to be unenrolled during the time period for which they are gone. Once the family returns, the enrollment can be resumed but do know it may not be at the same school nor with the same teacher. Please speak with your building principal if this situation applies to your family.
We are not going overseas, but will be on a trip for more than 2 weeks. How is that handled?
Any absence from school for longer than 2 weeks that is not a long-term medical absence would be unenrolled during the time period for which the student is gone. Again, once the family returns, the enrollment can be resumed but do know it may not be at the same school nor with the same teacher. Please speak with your building principal if this situation applies to your family.
Will keeping my student home due to a religious holiday be considered as exempt?
Students who are absent from school for religious service, holiday, or instruction will be considered absent, but will be considered excused and exempt from chronic absenteeism laws.
My student has a planned surgery. Will that count against their attendance record?
With a doctor’s note, this would be considered a medically exempt absence. A medically exempt absence will still be recorded as an absence but will be excused and exempt from chronic absenteeism laws.
My student has recurring appointments (i.e., physical therapy, counseling, specialist). Does each appointment require a doctor’s note, or can I bring in one note for the year?
It may be possible for recurring doctor appointments to be outlined with one note. Please speak with a building administrator regarding your specific situation.
Where can I see my student’s attendance record?
You can see your student’s attendance record by logging into your Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Your student’s absences are located under Attendance. At the bottom of this page is a list of absence codes and what they mean.
How is the percentage total calculated? Is it based on the total number of days in a term or the days in the term thus far?
The percentage is calculated based on the total number of days in a term and is not rolling. As an example, to reach 10% in a term:
- PK & Elementary (grades K-5) = 5 days missed in a term
- Secondary (grades 6-12) = 8 days missed in a term
Attendance Coding
Absence Reason | Code | Absent/ Present | Exempt Per SF2435 | Consequence? |
Participating in a school activity (DECA, sports, etc) | SRP | Present | N/A | No |
With principal, counselor, or nurse | SOV | Present | N/A | No |
In-School Suspension | ISS | Absent | No | No |
Out of School Suspension | OSS | Absent | No | No |
School directed / supervised activity (field trip, art show. etc) | SRP | Present | N/A | No |
Attending PSEO or Concurrent Enrollment | SRP | Present | N/A | No |
Attending internship or workplace experience | SRP | Present | N/A | No |
Student attending a school sponsored event, but not participating | SRNP | Absent | No | No – if parent excused |
Parent excused for “mental health day” | MEDX* | Absent | No/Yes | No |
Ill, Sick | MEDX* | Absent | No/Yes | No |
Appts, doc/dentist, therapist, treatment, sports physical | MEDX* | Absent | No/Yes | No |
Physical Therapy | MEDX* | Absent | No/Yes | No |
Immediate Family member ill or medical emergency | MEDX* | Absent | No/Yes | No |
Any of the above MEDX reasons above, beyond two incidents, that is not excused by the school nurse or a note from a health professional | MED | Absent | No | No |
Parent excused for “family reasons” or “family emergency” | FAM | Absent | No | Yes – principal discretion |
Car trouble, accident, missed the bus, woke up late, etc | FAM | Absent | No | Yes – principal discretion |
Helping family – watch children, family business, etc | FAM | Absent | No | Yes – principal discretion |
Family Vacation; out of town | FAM | Absent | No | Yes – principal discretion |
Sports/clubs not affiliated with Ames | AU | Absent | No | Yes – principal discretion |
Arrived to School but did not attend class | AU | Absent | No | Yes – principal discretion |
Absent, no parent contact | AU | Absent | No | Yes – principal discretion |
AHS- “going home during homeroom” | AU | Absent | No | Yes – principal discretion |
Skipped class / at school not attending class | AU | Absent | No | Yes – principal discretion |
Absent, no parent contact | AU | Absent | No | Yes – principal discretion |
Absent, parent states “parent excused” with no other detail | FAM | Absent | No | Yes – principal discretion |
Student called out to go to lunch | FAM | Absent | No | Yes – principal discretion |
Student called out of homeroom | FAM | Absent | No | Yes – principal discretion |
Court appointment, legal proceedings | CRTX | Absent | Yes | No |
Attending religious services or religious education (funeral, wedding, religious observance) | RELX | Absent | Yes | No |
IEP or 504 plan restricts attendance | IEPX 504X | Absent | Yes | No |
Going Homeschool | Contact Kathy Geis | |||
Going to an Online School | Contact Cassie Wendt | |||
Moving, not attending | Contact Building Office |