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School Board Presentation and Overview
June 30, 2020

School Board Presentation and Overview

Last night, Superintendent Risner and District leaders presented an overview of the District’s Return to Learn (RTL) plan that is due to the Iowa Department of Education on July 1.  The multi-faceted plan includes contingencies for the following conditions: On-Site Delivery – A full return of students and staff to school buildings. This delivery model will be done in buildings with face to face delivery of instruction for all students given application of mitigation steps described in the plan.  Required Continuous Learning – This delivery model will be done via remote learning, either online or packet-based, in the event that schools remain closed due to the pandemic. Opportunities to interact with staff and students would occur virtually. Hybrid 1 Learning (state-mandated) – This delivery model will be done by alternating students between on-site and remote learning. Using appropriate mitigation steps while on-site, most students will attend school 2 days per week and engage in remote learning each week on other days. This model would be used if the state-mandated that schools operate at 50% capacity, for example.   Hybrid 2 Learning (family choice) – This delivery model will closely mirror the on-site model for most students. However, some families may choose to have children remain in a required continuous learning model for personal safety reasons.

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Panorama School Climate Survey Results 2020
June 25, 2020

Panorama School Climate Survey Results 2020

In March of 2020, the Ames Community School District surveyed students, staff, and families using the Panorama Culture and Climate Survey. The survey included questions around social and emotional learning, school satisfaction, and staff and family engagement, among others. New to this year’s student 6-12 survey were questions related to equity and inclusion. The purpose of the survey is to gather perception data from key stakeholders as a way to set and continue the evaluation of specific goal areas around the District’s Purpose and Priorities. 

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Department of Education Releases Reopening Guidance
June 25, 2020

Department of Education Releases Reopening Guidance

Within the past week, we have received competing recommendations from two entities that we look to for guidance.  Today, the Iowa Department of Education (DE) released guidance for reopening schools. Within that guidance, the DE cited the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendation that schools do not need to screen students and staff upon entering the building. They also said that requiring face coverings for all staff and students is not recommended. 

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Kristi Mixdorf named as new Director of Teaching and Learning
April 30, 2020

Kristi Mixdorf named as new Director of Teaching and Learning

The Ames Community School District is excited to announce Kristi Mixdorf as the new Director of Teaching and Learning. She is currently the principal of Edwards Elementary School, a position she has held since 2018.  Mixdorf has 20 years of experience in education as both a leader and a teacher. Prior to her position at Edwards Elementary, Mixdorf served as the Director of Teaching and Learning for the North Polk Community School District. Her previous experience included being an Instructional Coach in Ankeny, and a classroom teacher in both the Ankeny and Des Moines School Districts. 

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Food Drive / Student Support Fund
April 30, 2020

Food Drive / Student Support Fund

Since school closure, it has been our goal to find numerous ways to help families with food insecurities alleviate that stress in their lives. The Grab & Go Meals through the summer food program have provided thousands of meals a week to students, and we have supplemented that by collaborating with the Food Bank of Iowa.  As food supplies around the state and from the Food Bank of Iowa decline due to high demand, we are wanting to continue to ensure that food boxes are going to those families who are in need. We have received numerous requests from community members asking how they can contribute and support our students. As a result, the Ames Community School District is providing several ways to help in our drive to ensure that no family goes without food. 

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Ames High Commencement Save the Date(s)
April 30, 2020

Ames High Commencement Save the Date(s)

As a district, we are determined to find a way for the Class of 2020 to celebrate its graduation in person. While some districts are opting now to schedule virtual ceremonies, the feedback we have heard from students and families indicates that there continues to be a strong desire to have the celebration in person even if it is delayed. While it will not be possible to have graduation on May 24 as scheduled, we are hopeful that as conditions evolve in the months ahead there may be some easing of restrictions on public gatherings that would allow us to hold a graduation ceremony. To assist families in planning, we have identified several dates that will serve as our target date, as well as back up dates in the event that conditions are not to the point where we can hold a large gathering. We ask that graduates and families please hold both of these dates in their calendar.

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Elementary Chromebook Checkout
April 7, 2020

Elementary Chromebook Checkout

As a way to support continuous learning while at home and to assist in our voluntary learning plan for the Elementary students, we will be allowing parents/guardians to check-out Chromebooks from their Elementary school for students in all grade levels. We will have set times for pickup at each of the Elementary schools later this week.  Parents/Guardians are not required to pick up school computers if you already have a device at home that is meeting your learning needs.  Your children can still access their school’s activities through their SeeSaw (K-2nd grade) or Google Classroom (3rd-5th grade) using their school Google account.

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Grab and Go Meals Provided to Students Starting March 23
March 19, 2020

Grab and Go Meals Provided to Students Starting March 23

The Ames Community School District received approval from the Iowa Department of Education through the USDA to provide Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) meals.

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Coronavirus Information
March 16, 2020

Coronavirus Information

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Coronavirus Update (March 11, 2020)
March 11, 2020

Coronavirus Update (March 11, 2020)

  With many universities in the state canceling in-person classes and moving toward online courses for two-weeks following spring break, the Story County school districts want to assure our families and communities, that as a group, we will continue normal operations for the foreseeable future.  All districts are receiving regular updates and working closely with Story County Public Health and the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) and will follow their guidelines and recommendations. As this is an evolving issue, their recommendations may change over time. In the event that Story County Public Health or the Iowa Department of Public Health determines that there is a need for closure, or other action, we will communicate additional information at that time.

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