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RTL Update – Decision-Making Metrics / Food Service for Virtual Students
August 18, 2020

RTL Update – Decision-Making Metrics / Food Service for Virtual Students

Decision-Making Metrics: The decision-making metrics to determine the appropriate delivery model was presented to the school board last night. The development of these metrics was done in collaboration with Mary Greeley Medical Center, Story County Public Health, and Story County Emergency Management. The metrics look at community positivity rates and building absence rate and will be utilized after the phased-in hybrid start of school in the month of September. The entire document can be found on our website.

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RLT Update – Delivery Model Transition / Face Covering Guidelines
August 17, 2020

RLT Update – Delivery Model Transition / Face Covering Guidelines

Here is the latest information around Return to Learn for the 2020-2021 school year.  School Board Meeting (August 17, 2020): The school board will hold their regularly scheduled meeting tonight at 6:30. The meeting can be found at the Zoom URL below or streamed on our YouTube Channel.

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Team Neutrino: #morethanrobots
August 14, 2020

Team Neutrino: #morethanrobots

Team Neutrino’s social media accounts often use the hashtag #omgrobots. It’s a fun tag to posts that communicates the light-heartedness of the organization while also serving as a reminder that these students BUILD ROBOTS! In its simplest form, Team Neutrino is organized to compete in robotics competitions. But it would be a mischaracterization and a disservice to leave it at that. Although robotics is the face of the organization, it is only a fraction of the work they do. The reality is that student members, along with their mentors and community partners, function like a well-rounded business. 

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School Board Meeting / Derecho Impact
August 13, 2020

School Board Meeting / Derecho Impact

School Board Meeting (August 17, 2020): The school board meeting that has been rescheduled multiple times this week has been canceled. The agenda items have been pushed to the next school board meeting that will take place next Monday, August 17 at 6:30. The meeting can be found at the Zoom URL below or streamed on our YouTube Channel.

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RTL Update – Building and School Board Meetings
August 12, 2020

RTL Update – Building and School Board Meetings

Return to Learn (August 12, 2020) - Building and School Board Meetings Due to the ongoing power restoration and clean up effort across Ames, we are rescheduling a variety of meetings.  School Board Meeting (August 14, 2020): The school board meeting scheduled for noon today is being rescheduled for Friday, August 14 at noon. The meeting can be found at the Zoom URL below or streamed on our YouTube Channel.

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RTL Update – Building Plans / Phased Hybrid Calendar
August 7, 2020

RTL Update – Building Plans / Phased Hybrid Calendar

Here is the latest information around Return to Learn for the 2020-2021 school year.  Read this announcement in Spanish or Arabic.  Building Plans: Today, you will receive building-level implementation plans for the start of the 2020-2021 school year. Please know that these are fluid documents as each building is continuing to develop details around what school will look like this fall. We will also be posting each plan on our website at the following URL.

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Dr. Kathi Arnold named new Emergency Management Coordinator
August 5, 2020

Dr. Kathi Arnold named new Emergency Management Coordinator

The Ames Community School District is pleased to announce Dr. Kathryn Arnold as the new Emergency Management Coordinator. In this position, she will organize and manage many of the COVID-related logistics across the District throughout the school year.  Arnold most recently served as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Missouri St. Louis, teaching online courses in numerous topics. Prior to that, she was an Education and Policy Consultant at Boca Raton Regional Hospital. 

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RTL Update – Timeline / UEN Letter
July 28, 2020

RTL Update – Timeline / UEN Letter

Here is the latest information around Return to Learn for the 2020-2021 school year.  Updated Recommendation/Approval Date of RTL Model: Next Monday, August 3, a recommendation will be made to the school board about the delivery model to start the school year. This is a week earlier than what was originally communicated to allow the District and families more time to plan for the start of school. The school board meeting will be held virtually and can be accessed at the Zoom URL below or watched live on our YouTube Channel.

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RTL Update – Transportation / Face Coverings
July 24, 2020

RTL Update – Transportation / Face Coverings

Transportation Bus Request   Durham Transportation is beginning to create bus routes for the 20-21 school year.  The online registration process includes the bus transportation request, but you MUST check YES if you want your child to be considered for busing for the 2020-2021 school year. It is easier to remove your student from a route than to add them at the last minute. Please contact Leslie Weible ( with transportation-related questions or changes to your original busing request.

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Ames CSD Mourns the Passing of Ames High Teacher and Coach Dan Flannery
July 22, 2020

Ames CSD Mourns the Passing of Ames High Teacher and Coach Dan Flannery

Ames CSD Mourns the Passing of Ames High Teacher and Coach Dan Flannery The Ames Community School District family and community mourns the passing of longtime Ames High teacher and storied Ames High Swim Coach Dan Flannery, who passed away Tuesday morning.  “Dan was Ames High Pride. He loved our students, our high school, and our community. This is a huge loss for not only our school community, but the swimming community in Ames and across Iowa,” said Superintendent Jenny Risner. “Dan was committed to excellence in his program and his success speaks for itself. But what was even more impressive was his ability to build strong relationships with his student-athletes that lasted well beyond high school. He made those he coached better athletes and better people.”

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