All About Ames CSD 20th largest District in Iowa. Home Digital Backpack Event Submission – DO NOT EDIT Event Title* Title or name of the eventEvent Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY The date of the event. If your event spans a length of time, enter the end date here.Start Time (optional) e.g. "10:30 AM" or "6 PM". Leave blank for all-day events.Event Type and Events and Sports Arts & Entertainment Camps & Scouts Clubs District, Booster, & PTO Events Educational Opportunities Educational Opportunities, Clubs, and Events Fitness Fitness, Health, and Sports Health Volunteering Age Type Ages 17-18 Ages 4-6 Ages 6-10 Preteens Teens DescriptionDetails or description of the event.RSVP By MM slash DD slash YYYY When RSVPs or registrations are due.Location The name or address of the location where this event will be held.Audience The intended audience for this event, e.g. middle school students.Cost The cost of the event, if applicable.Organization* The name of the organization sponsoring or putting on the event.Organization Contact Name The name of the contact person for this event.Organization Contact Email Email of the organization’s contact for the eventOrganization Contact PhonePhone of the organization’s contact for the eventEvent Website Link to more information about this event.Event FlyerAccepted file types: pdf, jpg, jpeg, Max. file size: 63 MB.A downloadable flyer for this event. (PDF and JPG only) All About Ames CSD The most athletic state championships in Iowa.