Production Services
Production hours are 8:00-4:30 Monday-Friday.
- Copies (Black/White & Color)
- Folding
- Lamination
- Power Cutting
- Production of District Publications
- Padding
- Spiral Bindings
- Booklet Making
- Daily Building Delivery and Pick-up
Production Orders
- Please be as specific as possible in your request, and you may include multiple attachments in a single email.
- Include all relevant information including number of copies.
- You may include multiple attachments in one email if directions are clear for each attachment.
- If order is multiple copies, specify single or double sided; collated (set 1,2,3 – 1,2,3) or uncollated (group 1,1,1 – 2,2,2 – 3,3,3); finishing instructions (staple, etc.).
- If original is color, specify color print or black and white print.
- Allow a minimum of 72 hours for basic print/copy jobs, and a minimum of 1 week for any orders requiring special handling (binding, lamination, etc.). It’s always helpful to include a desired return date in the subject line of the email.
- Please do not pre-cut lamination orders for small objects (picture cards, flashcards, badges, etc). Send full sheets for lamination or use laminators in the building for smaller projects.
- Include your school in the email if it is not already in your signature line.
- Please avoid chaining new orders on previously sent email orders.
- Don’t forget the attachment or to share with production.
- Send all email production orders to: production@ames.k12.ia.us
Fill out the following form and email to: production@ames.k12.ia.us.