Banner Pattern News Detail
March 12, 2025

Registration Opening Soon

Online registration for the 2025-2026 school year for both returning and new students will open the week after spring break. The online registration process allows parents and guardians to let us know their student(s) will be attending school in the Ames Community School District, fill out medical forms, request busing, and update any necessary information on behalf of their students. To prepare for the process, here is what parents and guardians can do:

  • If you do not have an active Infinite Campus Parent Portal account, request one through the Parent/Guardian Infinite Campus Request Form. Infinite Campus is how parents get information about their students, make absence requests, and pay school fees/load lunch accounts. Each parent/guardian in the household must have their own Infinite Campus account. 
  • Set up your account in ParentSquare. If you have not done so already, go to the ParentSquare login page and enter your email address in the Register area. 
  • If you have moved within Ames and will still be attending Ames CSD, please contact the District Office to provide your new address and proof of residence. 
  • Not attending Ames Schools for the 2025-2026 school year? Please complete our Moving Form

Parents/Guardians will receive a ParentSquare message on the day Online Registration opens with detailed instructions.