Two Hour Early Dismissal – February 5, 2025
The Ames CSD will be dismissing classes 2-hours early on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, due to incoming inclement weather. K-5: dismissal at 12:45 pm, Middle School: dismissal at 1:45 p.m., High School: dismissal at 1:35 p.m. No afternoon or evening activities.
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New Way to Pay School Fees and Reload Lunch Accounts

Starting July 1, 2022, the Ames Community School District will begin using Payrix, a new payment processor for school fees and lunch balances. The best part is that it is fully integrated within a parent’s Infinite Campus Parent Portal. 

Payrix is replacing RevTrak. There is no need to worry about existing balances as that information will be within Infinite Campus. Families now have one streamlined location for information regarding their student(s). Other important functions available through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal:

  • Request a student absence
  • Attendance reporting
  • Grades
  • Transportation information 
  • Report card/progress report
  • High school transcript (unofficial)

Because this is a notable change for our parents, we have provided answers to some of the most frequently asked questions on our website. We also are sharing a guide for How to Set Up Infinite Campus Online Payments

What is Payrix and what will it be used for?

Payrix is a new payment processor that will be utilized by the Ames CSD. Payrix will be replacing RevTrak starting July 1, 2022. Payrix will be accessed through the Parent Portal within Infinite Campus and families will be able to pay school fees and replenish lunch balances. 

Why is the District moving to use Payrix?

The integration for RevTrak to communicate with Infinite Campus is no longer supported by Infinite Campus. This newer alternative is built directly into your parent portal and families will not need to leave their portal account to pay fees now. It will all be housed in one place.

What do parents need to do?

As a parent, if you already have a Parent Portal sign-on, this transition will be seamless. Starting on July 1, 2022, you will be able to pay fees through Infinite Campus.

Parents should make sure to know their Infinite Campus Parent Portal sign-on information. If you do not already have a parent portal account, you may request one through the Infinite Campus link or by contacting the District Information Manager. Parents should have at least one active student in the District in order to set up their account.

Will RevTrak continue to be used?

RevTrak will no longer be used for district fees, paying lunch accounts, and the lunch hero program.

What happens to the money I already have in RevTrak?

RevTrak was the method for adding money to your student’s account. With the change to Payrix, you will still see any current balance on a student account as that information is housed in Infinite Campus. Payrix is now the method families will use to place money on their student’s account whether for fees or for food service. 

What will it look like on my card statement?

Your statement will read a charge from Ames Community Schools. 

How do I pay fees and add to my lunch balance online?

Under the main index typically found on the left hand side of the screen you will select Fees or Food Service. For school fees, you are able to add items to your cart, much like with online shopping. When you select Food Service, you will be able to see all of your students and their balance. To add money, you will want to click on the Pay button found underneath all the student’s names.

A guide has been created to walk families through both Fees and Food Service. The How to Set up Infinite Campus Payments guide will walk you through everything from adding items to your cart to reviewing past payments. 

What is the minimum amount that I can pay through Payrix? 

All online payments must be a minimum of $5. Our system will not accept any payment processing unless the amount of the items being paid for will be greater than or equal to $5. 

Does Payrix accept all credit and debit cards?

Families can use most debit and credit cards including VISA, Mastercard, Discover, and E-Check. Due to the high processing fees, American Express will not be accepted. 

How will I know if my payment has been processed?

An email receipt will be sent to the email on file within Infinite Campus. It will also be reflected within the payment history under the fees tab. 

Key Contacts

Amy DeLashmutt

Director - Communications
