Social Emotional Learning (SEL): Curriculum Adoption / Feedback
Over the past year, the Ames Community School District has been exploring different options for a social emotional learning (SEL) curriculum for K-12 adoption. A team made up of staff from across the district was assembled to develop core values that were then assigned to the different curriculum options to determine the most viable option. After narrowing down the SEL curriculum options, the SEL team met with two different providers and have determined the one that aligns best with the district’s mission, priorities, and task force core values.
Please visit this link to learn more about RULER and what it has to offer our students and community. As noted on their website, “RULER is a systemic approach to SEL developed at the Center for Emotional Intelligence. RULER aims to infuse the principles of emotional intelligence into the immune system of preK to 12 schools, informing how leaders lead, teachers teach, students learn, and families support students.” RULER is an acronym for the five skills of emotional intelligence: Recognizing, Understanding, Labeling, Expressing, and Regulating.
This video was developed by Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence that describes the different tools and practices that RULER implements.
Please use this Google Form from Tuesday, May 25th through Tuesday, June 1st to share your feedback on the curriculum.