Ames CSD Closed – February 12, 2025 The Ames Community School District has canceled all classes and activities for Wednesday, February 12, 2025, due to winter weather
May 20, 2021

Mask Update (May 20, 2021)

Shortly after midnight, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed legislation (HF 847) into law that prohibits school districts from requiring masks to be worn at school.

The new law took effect immediately upon signing. Therefore, the district cannot require masks and they will be optional at school beginning TODAY, Thursday, May 20.

While we believe masks are still an essential part of our mitigation efforts to keep our staff and students safe, we can not require that they be worn. Due to a federal mandate, masks continue to be required when your child rides a school bus.

Many parents may choose to follow the CDC’s recommendations, and have their child continue to wear a mask at school until they are fully vaccinated. We urge students and families to show compassion towards each other no matter whether they elect to follow CDC-based guidance or this new state regulation.  

Resource from CDC on Federal Mandate on public transport including school busses.