Sunday, October 22
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Iowa State University Memorial Union
Which age/grade is welcome?
Anyone who wants to Trick or Treat
Michelle Talbott
(515) 294-1023
About this event
The Sorority & Fraternity Community invites you to the annual Trick-O-Treat in the Iowa State Memorial Union Great Hall on October 22nd from 1 to 3 pm. Chapters from our community will have games for everyone to play and lots of candy to take home. Children, family members, and participants are encouraged to wear their best family-friendly costume!
Some activities you might see include:
• Candy Toss
• Pin the Donkey
• Bags
• Mini Golf
• Candle Stick Ring Toss
• Simon Says
• Make Lollipop Ghosts
• Apple Relay
• Wheel of Misfortune
• Trick-or-Treat Walk
Registration: This event is free with no registration required and open to the entire family!
Still have questions? Please call the Office of Sorority and Fraternity Engagement at 515-294-1023 or email Michelle Talbott, Coordinator of Sorority & Fraternity Engagement: